
Principles of Corporate Finance (14th edition)

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Download Principles of Corporate Finance (14th edition) written by Richard A. Brealey; Stewart C. Myers; Franklin Allen; Alex Edmans in PDF format. This book is under the category Finance and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 1265074151/9781265074159. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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Richard A. Brealey ; Stewart C. Myers ; Franklin Allen ; Alex Edmans










1057 pages


‎ McGraw Hill

Book Description

ISBN: 9781265074159 The fourteenth edition of Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen, and Alex Edmans' Fundamentals of Corporate Finance has been published in an international edition. Only the student textbook, please. There is no Connect Access Code supplied in this package. The most recent addition to the Principles of Corporate Finance series, the 14th edition, continues the series's long-standing practice of demonstrating how theoretical concepts are relevant to the kinds of real-world challenges and choices that financial managers must make. This book examines what financial managers do and why they do it. Its goal is to provide readers with a solid understanding of theory so that they know what questions to ask when times change and new problems need to be analyzed. Eventually, the book will serve as a reference and a guide to assist readers in making financial decisions rather than just studying them. This new edition of the book is pleased to announce the addition of Alex Edmans to the team of authors. Alex Edmans is recognized as a global authority in the fields of corporate governance, responsible business, and behavioral finance, making his contributions to the book's coverage of these subjects extremely valuable. A new chapter has been added that is totally devoted to the subject of striking a balance between maximizing shareholder value and advancing the interests of all stakeholders, as well as the potential conflicts that are inherent in this situation and the proper conduct of a responsible organization. There have been several alterations made to the chapter structure, in addition to an expansion of the discussion of issues that have grown in significance since the last edition. Some of these issues include behavioral finance, as well as financial innovation driven by AI, big data, and cloud computing. It has also developed to take on a more international focus, with the goal of bringing in more information and viewpoints on major rising economies such as China and India, as well as looking at how financial and governance systems change from country to country around the world. The new edition keeps the pedagogical characteristics of the previous editions and improves upon them. It includes new chapter content summaries, new self-test questions interspersed at crucial places, and a slew of examples that go “Beyond the page” that can be accessed online through links in the book.


Richard A. Brealey ; Stewart C. Myers ; Franklin Allen ; Alex Edmans










1057 pages


‎ McGraw Hill


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