
Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach (6th Edition)

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Download Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach (6th Edition) written by David C. Ling ; Wayne Archer in PDF format. This book is under the category Business & Economics and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 1260570495/9781260570496. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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David C. Ling ; Wayne Archer










McGraw-Hill Education

Book Description

“Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach” serves as a comprehensive and illuminating guide that underscores the pivotal role of value in the entire spectrum of real estate decision-making. Authored by Ling and Archer, this textbook empowers students to cultivate a value-centric perspective, equipping them with a toolkit of valuation techniques and decision-making skills that can be effectively employed across a diverse range of real-world contexts. The bedrock of prudent investment lies in comprehending how property values are conceived, upheld, augmented, or eroded.

Navigating through the pages of “Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach,” students emerge armed with a robust value-oriented framework, enabling them to approach real estate matters with precision, considering value as the core factor. The book furnishes them with the essential apparatus for evaluating property values and making sound decisions based on these evaluations. This skill set proves invaluable for making informed investment choices that span property acquisition, development, and management.

The book's pertinence has been significantly amplified in light of the evolving global real estate landscape. Particularly, the realm of real estate finance and capital sources has witnessed transformative shifts, leading to the metamorphosis or replacement of traditional lenders by an entirely new cohort of players in mortgage finance. This transformation ushers in a paradigm shift with sweeping ramifications for the entire real estate sector. Acknowledging that property values can experience fluctuations, the content of the book assumes even greater relevance.

“Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach” serves as a compass for students and professionals alike, providing insights that are indispensable amidst the dynamic nuances of real estate markets. By fostering a deep comprehension of the intrinsic link between value and all aspects of real estate, the book empowers readers to excel in the intricate dynamics of real estate investment, finance, and transactions. The awareness that property values can fluctuate, both upwards and downwards, underscores the book's timeliness and significance in preparing individuals for the complexities of an ever-evolving real estate landscape.

In summary, this textbook delivers an immersive and comprehensive exploration of real estate principles through the prism of value. By embracing the principles elucidated in the book, readers are equipped to make informed investment decisions, navigate property valuations, and embrace the profound changes reshaping the real estate realm. The recognition that property values are subject to fluctuations enhances the book's relevance, ensuring its pertinence in shaping the future of real estate investment, finance, and transactions.


David C. Ling ; Wayne Archer










McGraw-Hill Education


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