
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods

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Download The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods written by Catherine Cassell, Cathy Cassell, Ann L Cunliffe, Gina Grandy in PDF format. This book is under the category Business and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 1473926629/9781473926622. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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Catherine Cassell, Cathy Cassell, Ann L Cunliffe, Gina Grandy


SAGE Publications Ltd; 1st edition




1056 pages









Book Description

In the area of business and management, the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methodologies offers a comprehensive review of the most recent developments in the field of qualitative research methods.

The Handbook celebrates the diversity of the discipline by drawing from a wide range of traditions and by bringing together a number of outstanding academics from around the world who are involved in the study of a variety of themes using a variety of qualitative research methodologies. In the chapters, we discuss the conceptual underpinnings of several research methodologies, as well as contemporary illustrations, references, and directions for the practical application of these methodologies. Because of this, the two volumes can serve as a helpful resource for Ph.D. students and early career researchers who are interested in growing and expanding their knowledge and practice of qualitative research. As a result of its coverage of both known and emergent approaches, it also serves as a very useful source of information for academics who teach qualitative research methodologies.
The contents of the Handbook are divided into two volumes, and each volume focuses on one of seven primary topics:

History and Customs are Covered in This First Volume

Traditions that have had a significant impact on qualitative research are discussed in the first section of this book. These include positivism, pragmatism, constructionism, interpretivism, poststructuralism, critical hermeneutics, postcolonialism, critical realism, grounded theory, mixed methods, indigenous approaches, and feminist research.

Ethnography, action research, field research, case studies, and research designs such as process and practice approaches are covered in Part 2 of this guide.

The third section is devoted to the researcher and covers topics such as reflexivity, ethics, positionality, writing from the body, gender and intersectionality, and reaching critical distance.

Challenges, including access and departure, participant selection, study design, writing for a variety of audiences, research ethics in foreign contexts, research ethics in cross-border contexts, research ethics in digital contexts, and publishing qualitative research

Methods and Obstacles Presented in Volume 2

Interviews, autoethnography, rhetoric, archival analysis, stories and narratives, historical analysis, discourse analysis, sociomateriality, fiction, metaphors, dramaturgy, group techniques, diary, shadowing, and thematic analysis are some of the contemporary approaches covered in the first section.

Part 2: Visual Methods, including Photographs, Videos, Images from the World Wide Web, Drawings, Semiotics, Symbols, Collages, and Documentaries.

Aesthetics and fragrance, stitching quilts, netnography, ethnomusicality, fuzzy set comparative analysis, software, ANTI-history, emotion, and pattern matching are some of the topics covered in Part 3's discussion of innovations in research methodology.


Catherine Cassell, Cathy Cassell, Ann L Cunliffe, Gina Grandy


SAGE Publications Ltd; 1st edition




1056 pages










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